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THE Ill Quill

One Magazine: "The Future"

Originally uploaded by Dick Matters.
So it appears Butler, Shine, & Stern's Influx received some coverage in "The Future" edition of One Magazine. The whole debate over web logs is whether or not they are relevant as a business tool. My only question is why not have one? After all they're basically free and, when done right, extremely informative and insightul in terms of forecasting trends. Not to mention they can add a unique dimension to your business. But what do I know? I do this for fun. I post images of soap suds and talk about the karmic laws of the universe in relation to vending machines.

As explained in the article Butler likens blogging to planning. He calls blogs

"a forum for those annoying smart kids who used to screw up the grade curve..."

Bulter also describes blogging as more than a marketing tool, "It's become a discipline," he says.

While I can see the correlation between planning and blogging I also think blogging is an excellent tool for creatives, writers especially.

Sure, blogging forces us to keep up to date and/or as Butler says "be aware of the world" and as well "provide a point of view or some kind of perspective," but what's most important in my view is that blogging forces people to write. This here blog keeps me writing. It keeps me learning, too. And that's what I think is so valuable about this medium. Because in the end, well, maybe least for me, there's a lot more to writing than forecasting trends. I mean, trends are cool and all but what could possibly be more fun than crappy yellow boxes and kids dancing around with golf ball retrievers?

Regardless, I find it fun/interesting/borderline-retarded-futursitc to read writings about blogging and then blog about reading those writings. It's like double-meta-journalism meets creative nonfiction, or something.


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